Mard's Numeroszuk ENGLISH!

Mard's Numeroszuk is an unique telephone number to words converter

  • It's much easier to remember phone numbers which have "words" within them. For example it's much easier to remember 0-80-DOCTORS than 0-803-628677 isn't it ?
  • You probably have Your own telephone number, so all You have to do is to type it into my application and see all the words that match.

Program's properties

  • This program is very easy to use - all You need to do is to type in Your phone number and the application will show You all the words that have been found within in
  • This program allows user to choose which words suit and describe him or her best.
  • This application can work with any digital dictionary.
  • Because of the extraordinary compression method used in this software it's size is less then 0.8 MB.
  • The installation is really easy

download ENGLISH version    (size: 0,77 MB)

download sources (size: 0,03 MB)

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